Saturday, July 13, 2013

Lisbon Hebrew Bible

Describe your first impression of these ancient works in respect to design
History is something that I don't seek out and study. When I do see something from history I am always amazed. Lisbon Hebrew Bible is amazing. The craft of this Bible is fascinating. The contrast in  colors,  in details of the patterns, and the size of the patterns. Its such a work of art that was completely done with out the use of any technology. The time that one took to construct this important piece of art is beyond comprehension.  
Identify examples of each of the four principles of design
  1. contrast
    1. The words of the Bible are very different from the boarder and art work of the bible.
    2. with in the art work there is wonderful contrast of color
  2. Repetition
    1. the art work and color scheme is repeated through out the book
    2. the thin gold line that boarders and separated the words of the Bible form the art is repeated through out.
  3. Alignment
    1. Thick gold boxes highlight the importance of content and are placed in the corner of the book or in the middle of the book.
    2. Art work borders the text and a thin gold line separates the scared script from the art work.
  4. Proximity
    1. The art work was ornate and contained, separated from the words. organized and not cluttered.
What techniques did the authors/artists employ to help us  understand the importance of those manuscripts/books?
Alignment. Every thing was placed purposefully with great detail and craftsmanship.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Reflection of conference

Over all I really enjoyed this class. It was hands on! I used so many different media tools. I have attended meeting about technology in which they tell us about it. In this class that was not the case, we had readings that where directly  related to the course and we jumped right in and started a project. The learning that occurred was extraordinary. The way the professor set up the class is a good example of how we as classroom teacher should set it up. The teacher is to lay out the objectives and point students in the right direction. Then allow students to take the lead and do all the work.

How will you use this learning in the future with other teachers? With your students?
With teachers?
  • using video to show an intro into PBIS
  • using video to explain updates to our district technology structures
With students!
  • teach students how to do much is learned. the story process is first created then students put it together in an 21 century way. how writing and technology goes together, even if your main objective is not teaching writing. Giving students an objective and allowing them to dig deep into curriculum and then create a product that teaches the objective.
  • Highest level of Blooms
    • Just doesn't get better than this!

I was not able to attend any of the web conferences. I never knew when they where. However, I love the fact that they are recorded. I can skim through the script and get the needed info. When I went back to watch two of the recordings I was surprised answering the door and phone during the conference was interesting to me.
Although the assignment 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5, ect..... was different and excessive with all the different documents that could have been put into one or even two documents, the assignments where very detailed and self explanatory so the conference where just confirmation to a few questions.