Tuesday, April 16, 2013

meaningful and effective

Action Research

These are some idea. Through my grad work I have to do an Action Research project. I have to incorporate technology. But mostly I want it to be meaningful and effectively tie in our campus goal.

How can we incorporate NEO2 or other technology into faculty meeting, so that every teacher can utilize the technology and become increasingly familiar with it and would become more inclined to incorporate it into daily lessons?
Main objective here is to give teachers a meaningful and safe way to become more familar with the technology we have.

How can we incorporate NEO2 into our faculty meetings to better address and strengthen writing, which is our campus goal.

Could we use clickers to identify which writing TEKS are which grade levels.
Teacher would have a copy of the vertical alignment writing TEKS
A TEK would be present teacher would have 1 min. to find the corresponding grade level and click their response. Use mobi view to see which teacher submitted which answer.
Then move into creating a grading rubric per grade level per writing genre according to the expectation in grade level TEKS.

Friday, April 12, 2013

I blog, you blog, we all blog

Why blog? Who blogs?
As a" younger" teacher when I plan my lessons I hardly ever go to a filing cabinet and pull something out. In fact that is the last place I look. When I want to find a lesson I go online. I view pintrest, blogs, free lesson plans, online curriculum but mostly blogs. While searching the works of others I have often wondered why blog? I AM SO GLAD "THEY DO", BUT WHY? Through this research class I am finding out the why. One its fun!! Two its easy! Three I feel like I could be giving something back to the world of education. Four it is a great way to organize your thoughts, plans and goals.
As future admin. I see myself doing the same thing when it comes to leading my school. I will look to other leaders and what they have blogged about. In the Dana text she writes about Weblogs and taking time to reflect through informal writing. Just journaling your thoughts. The older I get the less I can remember. My arrogance in the past, was like , why write that little piece of information down about that students. I can remember that! HA!HA! not so. I can't hardly remember what I ate for dinner yesterday, much less what new knowledge this student has obtained due to my hard work as a teacher. Also, when you blog your frustration and then you sit back down with another frustration ,you read your past frustration and will be able to reflect on how that turned out. I feel that blogging could help you to stay grounded and see that though our progress is slow we are progressing.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Action, Action , Action, RESEARCH

What I......

·         Action research is living
·         Its beneficial for all educators to do regularly
·         it can be easily set up and incorporated into your classroom and school
·         its practical


·         how to set it up
·         how to complete one research and stay motivated to continue with another
·         how to manage time to document data
Action research is live. It is what educators do, it isn’t done to us. We collectively think of an area, formulate a question and set in place ways to improve it. As an inquirer you implement plans to make changes and the take time to reflect on the changes. Evaluate the situation, identify the strength of the changes and identify new needs and set forth another plan to better the current situation. Action research, Administrator Inquiry is a living breathing thing. It is ongoing. Its taking your school problems ( complaints from teachers) and putting into action ways to fix these problems. You look at the problem and identify step by step ways to better the situation. I like the ex. in the book that talks about not making your question ( the problem) to wordy. Cut to the chase, find the root and get busy. Its a ongoing ( through reflection) systematic approach to problem solving.