Friday, October 11, 2013

Technology and teaching then and now

            Mrs. P has been an inspiring teacher form over 20 years. She began her career in Deaf ed then moved into regular ed. English. When she first began teaching she had a computer but didn’t use it much. The students didn’t have access to them at all.

When I asked her what was the biggest change in education with the use of technology she quickly stated research. Students have access to information that they didn’t have years ago. With that being said they also have information that is not reliable. This causes new problems.

                I asked if technology effected the way that British Literature was presented. She stated that technology  hasn’t effect that too much simply due to the fact that most of the literature is classic and hasn’t change. However, it greatly effects how the teacher can build a student’s background information. The internet allows the teacher and students to access a whole new world that they haven’t and possible will not ever get to experience, but through the use of the internet they can experience it.  The teacher can guide students through virtual tours of museums, virtual tours of Greece and visuals of ancient Greece and much more.

                She also discussed how the use of the internet allows teachers and parents to share information more accurately and quicker. Teacher s input grades into the online grade book which can be accessed by other teachers, coaches, parents and even student, all can access an up to the date GPA. Also, teachers take roll on line. Attendance workers can track and view students attendance and set the system to call parents or an attendance officer can contact parents much more quickly than without the use of the online system.
  Mrs. P was very gracious to let me interview her. She loves teaching and integrating technology into her lessons.

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